Birth is transformative, powerful, spiritual, and transcendent. The body surges with a power within that was unknown before. Mothers journey from this world to a deep spiritual place as they listen to their bodies, riding the waves of labor, bringing their new baby earth side. Sharing this moment with mothers is an honor. Holding that sacred space and catering to the needs of the one at work is so very important. My last birth was supported by my husband and children. My youngest daughter was quietly watching, hugging, and holding my is a beautiful memory I’ll cherish forever. My husband sat by my side when needed and gave space when needed. It was beautiful. What do you envision your birth to be? Do you want to know more about how I came to birth in this space? Reach out! I would love to share with you and help you reach your birth goals.
Birth is Transformative
Updated: Sep 9, 2022